Terms and Conditions for Group Bookings
Private Group Visits:
- Private Group visits can only be arranged for Tuesday or Thursday
- A minimum of 6 weeks’ notice is compulsory for any requested visit
- The Museum is only open for private visits between 10:00 and 21:00 hours
- The visit is a maximum of 2 hours and must be completed within the opening times
- The maximum number of people for a visit is ideally 20, with an absolute maximum of 25. (number excludes
adults escorting group under aged 18)
School Education Visits:
- School Education visits are based on the STEM principles for KS2 and KS3
- These visits can only be arranged for Wednesday during school term-time
- A minimum of 6 weeks’ notice is compulsory for any requested visit
- School Education visits are a maximum of 4 hours and will be held between 10:00 and 14:00
- The maximum number of children for a School Education Visit is 30 (excluding teachers and assistants)
School and Youth Groups – Adult Escorts:
- Group organisers are requested to provide one adult helper for every five under 18-year olds in the group booking
- No booking will be taken over the telephone
- The Group Booking Request Form must be completed for every visit
- The Request Form should be completed and submitted directly from the website
- Within 7 days of your request arriving, you will receive an acknowledgement by email, informing you if the date is
available - The date will be provisional until such time that a volunteer team can be assembled at which time the booking will be confirmed to you by email
The following terms apply to ALL group visits:
Should it prove impossible to assemble the necessary volunteers, The Museum reserves the right to withdraw the booking.
In all cases a final decision regarding the booking will be communicated to you no later than 14 days before the requested date
Any catering requests must be booked in advance and paid to the Museum Host before the end of the visit. All
normal forms of payment are accepted by the Museum
The Museum will be opened specially for your group. We rely on donations to cover our running costs and to help fund our expansion plans. The typical donation is £5 per head for adult groups and £3 per head for school/youth groups
Shop Purchases and Donations:
All purchases made from the Museum Shop and all Donations must be handed to the Museum Host before the end of the visit.
Special Requests:
The Museum will strive to meet any special requests; however, this may not be possible in all cases.